Cities – People Magnets

People came: from California to gamble their paychecks. People came: and never left. People came: for a quick divorce. And then left.
Ah! the bright city lights. The promise of winning. The dream, lived for a moment. Perhaps. And there are people who call Reno home. People who grew up outside of the confines of the money spinning city blocks.

Reno shouts out to the world
a facade
while life grows on

Going to Reno. Walking up and down the streets. Taking photographs. Meeting residents. Hearing about the rise and now decline of this city whose name alone conjures up images of unbridled debauchery. I’m left pondering the whole matter of reputation. Of cities with reputations. They all have them. I’m left remembering walking up a city street in Seattle last year and realizing the authority carried by these great names. I’m left wondering on matters to do with humans congregating. In cities.

People magnets by another name!

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