This set of photographs were first published 25th June, 2009. That’s four years ago today! Now on the 10th June near Preston I’m making a one night stop before heading to West Wales. The the evening light is inviting me outside. But not for me this evening unfortunately. Hope you have enjoyed revisiting past posts.
At this time of year the sun is still up after evening meditation ends at around 9.00 pm. Traditionally silence is maintained until after morning service. Walking around this evening with my camera, catching the last warm rays as the sun slipped behind clouds, the sense of repose in the place was palpable. A guest taking a breath of air, enjoying the evening. The kitchen monk closing the windows and checking the water boiler in preparation for making tea for breakfast. And out of sight the monks and guests getting ready for bed.
From the library window…wait a moment…where did that cat come from?
Grazing rabbits and the end of the monks meditation hall and main house
Double doors open to air the ceremony hall ready for guests to sleep
Plants in the yard flourish, as do the clouds of bugs
It’s the end of another day. A good day. Thanks to those I met in person, those I met on the phone and those I exchanged emails with…and those of you who come here and read. Thanks one and all.