Close to the ground
Squinting at a package
Does that say…
With Echinacea?
Honey Lemon with…
Is this what I’m looking for?
She bent down and asked
Are you a Buddhist Nun?
I pause, much distracted.
Then. Yes, yes I am!
We talked and then
Wrote down this web address
And left me still sitting down.
Before she left
She said, God Bless
Shook my hand and said
Hope that’s OK.
Of course, I assured.
Then I bought the Ricola’s.
Honey Lemon with Echinacea.
Hope that’s OK.
For the woman and her friend. I hope you find what you are looking for. I did!
I like these moments when people are open and asking. Sometimes it happens in the most unexpected places. At the gym yesterday I could overhear two others talking about religion. One of them is a nice guy I’ve seen for a long time at the gym. His name is Apae from Turkey and he was talking to another guy from the Middle East. Apae told the guy that I was Buddhist and then they both started asking questions. Not so easy to reply while doing sit-ups! :0) It was a nice moment to see how they opened their hearts to talk about how they are seeking the Truth and I could open mine. These bright moments are so wonderful, moments of sharing and opening and you never know where! A gift.
This post fills my heart with joy. I hope the person suffering the cold recovers(ed) quickly!