
Reclining Buddha
Reclining Buddha

Sitting here this evening later than I’d like. Recollecting my day. Sitting here in the same room where twenty years ago I sat giving talks, working at this very same desk, doing the monthly accounts, writing out checks, sticking on stamps. Recollecting the people sitting on the couch where now there is a bed. One chap who came then is reading this blog now! We have remained in touch. And today I met up with a woman I gave meditation instruction to, back then. We have kept in touch.

But best of all was the neighbour, always ready for some good-natured banter across the garden fence, who this afternoon guided me up the too narrow drive so I could load the car with logs. Apple logs from the tree in the back garden, now pollarded with spiky new growth. The neighbour still ready for the banter but more mellow now.

Now looking up to meet the gaze of the reclining Buddha I bought at Macro the local cash-and-carry store. Bought for Rev. Mildred, now deceased, as a reminded for her to be the reclining Buddha. A positive reminder to rest while she worked on regaining her strength and health.

This post is in memory of Rev. Mildred and for all those who, all those years ago, supported us. When I think about it there are others from that time reading this blog. Thank you all.

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