From a train heading north to Friesland, The NetherlandsI’m in the Netherlands. Think tulips, think windmills, think water! And much more. This morning my host was driving us, and her Greyhound, to a forest where dogs can run free. Vast swaths of land have been reclaimed from the sea, we were at one point driving along the original dyke wall. For as far as the eye could see where once water now forest, fields and dwellings. Amazing engineering when you think about it.
Anyway, this isn’t a travel blog. I’ve a thought to pass on picked up from a meeting in Manchester Thursday evening:
‘Don’t judge my story
By the chapter
You walk into!’.
For a woman I was with today whose story I was invited to read, Respect. Never judge her, nor pity her either.
3 thoughts on “Respect”
Woops. Something went wrong and I can’t see how to fix it. My tulp photo ended up as a header! Good one though.
My ancestors and some current family on my mother’s side lived/live in Holland. I appreciate your words re: respect. It reminds me of the First Nations saying – ” … don’t judge a person until you’ve walked a mile in their moccasins”
Woops. Something went wrong and I can’t see how to fix it. My tulp photo ended up as a header! Good one though.
My ancestors and some current family on my mother’s side lived/live in Holland. I appreciate your words re: respect. It reminds me of the First Nations saying – ” … don’t judge a person until you’ve walked a mile in their moccasins”