Returning Within

Frost with grass.
Frost with grass.

Today the sharp crisp air of late December gave way to windswept soggy blasts. The weather is an ever-present changing phenomenon here on the moors. Commented on, pondered on, prepared for, and the anticipated effects of weather defended against. Water gathering up high on the moors eventually reaches critical mass and comes gushing down in foaming, gushing, bubbling waterfalls. It comes so fast the drainage system struggles to do its job effectively. And I’m now thinking of those in Britain who have lost their homes and livelihoods to the weather this winter.

Now is the time to stay indoors, settle down and be less physical active. But that’s not possible for everybody and nobody can stay in for ever. There’s shopping and driving and visiting to be done. Relatives and friends to see and people to visit who are stuck indoors. The elderly and infirm, the sick and those recovering surgery in hospital.  I feel myself fortunate that all I have to do is walk from one building to another. That too will change.

What ever the weather and where ever one is be it indoors, stuck indoors, being blown about by wind (inside or outside!) always there is the choice to return within. Constantly.

Just in case you are a grandparent and need advice, support and a laugh, try Gransnet. 

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