Rev. Saido’s Funeral and Reception Arrangements

rm-saido-printRev. Saido’s Funeral is on 18th March at 9.30am  at Telford Crematorium. Follow this link to watch the ceremony via Live Cast. The recording will be available from Thursday 23rd for a limited time.
All are welcome to come to the Cremation and also to attend a reception at 10.30 located at the Park House Hotel, Shifnal.
Love this image of Rev. Saido standing in front of the altar at Telford Priory.
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9 thoughts on “Rev. Saido’s Funeral and Reception Arrangements”

  1. Thank you for this. I appreciate knowing your connection with Rev Saido. Pamela thoughtfully found one of his dharma talks online, and we listened to it at meditation last Monday eve. It was a special way to bring you all closer to us, and to hold him gently in our hearts.

  2. That is a lovely photograph of Rev. Saido. I do not have many pictures of him, and this will make an excellent memorial photo for my mum and I. Thank you for uploading it. Do you happen to know roughly when it was taken?

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