By The River

Sitting in a caravan, in a thunderstorm, by a rising river, watching ducks enjoying themselves while eating an Indian take-away. Good food, good company – and a little edgy on account of the weather conditions, however that all just added to the event, a memorable meeting to be sure.

Andrew Taylor-Browne, Mugo and Adrienne Hodges by the river in Haydon Bridge, Northumberland. A rare meeting.

Nigel, Andrew, Mugo, Adrienne and three quarters of greyhound.

It’s been wonderful to spend time with Adrienne, Andrew and Nigel – and doggy too of course. I’m refreshed and renewed, as if I’d been on holiday for a week. Thank you.

4 thoughts on “By The River”

  1. I love looking at other people’s holiday photos. Thank you for sharing yours with us.

    I’ve often wondered why this might be. Perhaps I’m naturally nosey? I even enjoy looking at photographs of people I dont know. Often friends will say ‘hope I’m not boreing you with all of these’ as they close a third album, and I say ‘no – I love them’ and they say ‘do you want to see some more then?’

    I think that one thing that is nice about it is sharing in another persons remembered delight.

    I can imagine that experiencing a thunderstorm in a caravan is quite exhilarating. It’s good to see you taking some R&R.

  2. I thought it a good plan to signal, through this post and photographs, that I do leave openings for R&R. There does need to be a space in everybodies life for that, even if it is a few moments on a park bench to watch the leaves falling. Or standing looking at raindrops running down the window. There is a poem about that – A.A.Milne I think. Here it is:

  3. Yep, the rain over Cumbria that afternoon filled the South Tyne that night. Our ‘comfort zone’ was no more. More of this later!

  4. Thank you for the poem. It brought me a little smile on a crazy afternoon.

    I look forward to reading more from Adrienne about your stormy time by the river.

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