Schedule Until September?

I am now staying at the Berkeley Buddhist Priory and will travel north to Shasta Abbey Wednesday 11th May. My travel/visiting plans for the next four months have not been worked out. If you are wondering where I will be do check my schedule page from time to time. I’ll be adding more detailed information as my plans become clearer.

2 thoughts on “Schedule Until September?”

  1. Dear Rev Mugo
    This is the first time I’ve looked up Jade for a good few weeks since I’ve been traveling myself…back in the Balkans again (more by email I hope) – “Surrender the need for the world to be ordered according to a conception of justice, logic, rational motives and the ‘truth'” is so so worth remembering in this topsy turvy part of the world.
    I had forgotten you would be away again so, well, just to wish you a rather belated good travels and all the best for your continued journeys in north America – keep the spring in your step. In gassho and with continued gratitude for the link that Jade provides, Tim

  2. Great to hear from you Tim. Take care over there and I will look forward to an update via email. Yes, a topsy turvy part of the world indeed. Glad that you and others can contribute something and make a difference to many peoples lives. How about a guest post from you?

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