Smokey Bear 70 This Year

It was an orphaned bear rescued after a fire in New Mexico which inspired the idea of using a bear to raise awareness around how to prevent forest fires. Forest Rangers have been teaching the Smokey Bear song around camp fire gatherings in parks to generations of American children. He is an American icon. If you can stand cute here is a video of the song……
There is still a large active fire north of Shasta Abbey however it is not close or in any way a threat. Driving through Weaverville yesterday from the coast to Shasta Abbey we stopped at the Forest Service Ranger Station to check which route was safest to take. As it happened we were not told anything definitive about a route so played it safe and went via Redding.

So a thought for those, including the wildlife, impacted by these huge forest fires raging in North America. And a wave to a Jade reader who lives in Weaverville.

3 thoughts on “Smokey Bear 70 This Year”

    1. The Smokey Bear Sutra is an absolute must. Thanks to Jeannine and hope you are not covered over with smoke as we are at times at Shasta.

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