Speak Now – While Hearts Can Hear


Do not keep the alabaster box of your friendship
sealed up until your friends are dead. Fill their lives
with sweetness. Speak approving, cheering words
while their ears can hear them, and while their hearts
can be thrilled and made happier. The kind of things you
mean to say when they are gone, say before they go.

~George W. Childs

And this from Philip Gould who is at the place of the final reckoning.
Thanks go to Angie for sending me the link to this article.

4 thoughts on “Speak Now – While Hearts Can Hear”

  1. This is very good. Its quite shocking how things pass. One thing that worries me a little is that if all of this disappears as if it were nothing (for example my holiday with family that I was enjoying and trying to savor, now seems as distant and insubstantial as if it never existed) then when I die, none of this exists. Therefore from that perspective does any of this really exist?!!!
    Anyway, off to work!

    In Gassho,


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