The Important Thing?

Distant Fells.

Is it easy to lose sight of the ‘important thing’? That which calls one back to sit still when it makes no sense. Sometimes the longing to ‘touch base’ gets side tracked by matters that seem more important. Even the side tracks, perhaps especially the so called side tracks lead one back to….the important thing.

Not easy, yet rather simple, to touch that which calls us back. To return, not having left! A nudge, a whisper, a sight, a sound, a touch. The wind in the trees, the stars in an inky blue-black sky, a view of distant beloved fells. Somebody said on a call this evening, ‘it’s those times when I’m suffering the most that bring me back to the deepest place’. What ever it takes I’d say.

It is easy to lose sight of the ‘important thing’. Because and this is the rub? There is no separate ‘thing’ to lose sight of! (sorry to talk in riddles.) And still as Great Master Dogen says in Rules for Meditation ‘pure Zazen must be done’. I could go on and on however I’ll refrain. And as it happens refraining/ceasing is central to the matter.

That’s another story.

This post is for Will Pegg recently deceased, and for his dear wife Lou and innumerable friends.

6 thoughts on “The Important Thing?”

  1. Great post Reverend Mugo 🙏 I have occasionally lost sight of the important thing but thankfully something has always called me back. Hope you are well and I always read your posts.

    In gassho


    1. Oh Thane, how wonderful to get this comment from you. Gratifying to hear from those of you who have stuck with Jade through thick and thin. I’m reasonably well thanks. Few health issues here and there. Hay! They bring me back to the important thing, knowing that I’ve never been away.

  2. Deep bow Reverend Mugo for guiding us through this time of transition. Profound reminder that there is no separate important thing to lose sight of.
    Going going going on beyond… Always becoming Buddha.

  3. Dearest Rev Mugo
    Thank you for Jade mountain blog…
    Sending love to you & everyone & everything from cornwall.. good night
    nic 🙏

  4. I just wanted to ‘touch base’ and say ‘Hi and gassho Rev Mugo’. I’ve been like a yoyo for a good while now. Health sees me out and about focussed on ‘doing’ and times like now (too slowly recovering from knee replacement) see me returning to the desire to just sit.

    _/\_ Kevin

    1. Good to be in touch again Kevin. Some people are just more physically active than others. You are one of those people. Knees are complex and difficult to set right after surgery. Time for the practice of patience and your opportunity to sit still physically, more than you are used to.

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