There and Back Again.

Coffee with a view.

Early morning at Westmorland motorway Services.

This morning I traveled south from Throssel with Iain who, along with his wife, hosted me while I was in Japan last spring. We stopped at the services for a brisk breakfast before going on to a small gathering of lay sangha members in a Quaker Meeting House near Lancaster. The sun was working it’s magic behind the clouds

If you are ever traveling on the M6 motorway going either north or south it is well worth visiting Westmorland motorway Services. It is the only independently run services in Britain and it’s a happy place filled with positive staff.

Now, twelve hours after leaving ‘Englands Last Wilderness’ I’m back again. Good to go and good to return.

One thought on “There and Back Again.”

  1. Travelling is always a wonderful thing and I’ve been so lucky to have done so much in my life so far…but coming home after the journey is also a wonderful feeling!

    And I just found out on Friday that we’ll be going to Japan for a week in February because my partner has some meetings in Tokyo there and I can go along!

    I wanted to ask you, Reverend Mugo, if it is possible from Tokyo to reach any of the temples that are connected to our tradition…and what about Tokyo itself?

    In gassho


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