
Wild Boar Fell with Thistle
Wild Boar Fell with Thistle

For several weeks while crossing the moorlands in Eastern Cumbria and also into Yorkshire I’ve been captivated by the thistles growing on the side of the roads. Seen in low light in early morning and late evening has them looking almost science fiction like.

This evening I watched The Kings Speech with a woman who ends her retreat week tomorrow and was reminded of the tongue twisters the poor King had to repeat. Here is a short from the film with the tongue twister thistle sifter. So there is the thistle link.

One can only admire people who suffer from speech difficulties and who find good help and become fluent.

2 thoughts on “Thistles”

  1. My old copy of Keble-Maratin (Concise British Flora in Colour) suggests:

    Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop. Marsh Thistle. Carduus palustris L., Stem 3-5 ft; leaves decurrent, pinnatifid, spinous; heads 3/4 in., clustered. Common in wet places. Flo. June Sept.

    They are indeed well-armoured! Excellent picture esp. at full-size.

    in gassho

    1. Ah yes, I knew somebody would be able to identify which particular thistle I’d captured. But did you spot the smaller one in the foreground? More like the Scottish Thistle I thought. What do you think?

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