Thoughts Into The New Year

Pondering the past
Pondering the past

That’s IT!
No more of this
Looking back through
2016’s murk.

Pundits say
gone, (not forgotten)
deceptions winning smiles
2016’s ‘antics’.

I say:
let go the dualities
For or Against
2016’s legacy?

That said:
A moment to remember
those who hurt,
hunger, suffer.
And cry out.

That said:
Listen, hear, act.
Together let us create
a flourishing year.
Along the Median Way.

And do our part to tackle sufferings cause.
At the very least that.

6 thoughts on “Thoughts Into The New Year”

    1. I’d like to have been there too Norman. I might have asked for a ride however it was best for me to stay put in the Southern Lakes and regain my strength after a long and loud cough/cold. You may have heard. Keep that grin Norman and I can see that gassho from where I sit! It is from the heart I know.

  1. Thank you for that lovely little poem, Rev. Master Mugo, and may you have a happy and peaceful New Year. With bows…..Jeannine

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