Tribute to Norman Trewhitt

Alas, too many people drift with the skiff to fathom the sea.
From time immemorial they are causes of endless deception.

These are the last two lines of the poem by Ryokan. It is time to move on from this series. What better way than to celebrate Norman Trewhitt who died on the 26th May in Lancaster England from complications arising from a long time blood condition. He received lay ordination on 25th December 1979. Yes, he tried to fathom the sea, we talked much, he thought much. And believe me, he lived a rich and very varied life.

This photo was taken in 2008 in Cyprus where he taught in the summer for several years at an art school. Artist, SRN, fell runner, musician, foundry worker, medieval reenactment buff. Err, and biker. His four adult offspring are proud of him, and sad too. Blessing to them all.

4 thoughts on “Tribute to Norman Trewhitt”

  1. What a well written and fitting tribute. He very much appreciated the people in his life, especially those he was spiritually close to. A deep, thoughtful, gentle man of integrity and faith, talented, generous spirited, kind and loving – my Dad.
    Thankyou Rev Mugo for being such a good friend and spiritual guide to him. He valued it very much.
    Blessings, Cath x
    (eldest daughter)

    1. I am so glad you saw this post Cath. It was a thumbnail sketch. He was following the poem over the last month or so and left a comment or two I think. Glad you added this comment to give a more personal and intimate insight. Yes, he and I spent some thoughtful times together. I’ll never forget the cream tea he treated me to at the cafe in Lancaster Castle.

      Oh and the other thing I’ll not forget is his saying sometime back that he had to be careful about how he was when he got home after a retreat here. That’s not to exhibit an overbearing air of piety! He knew his potential.

  2. Norman was a dear friend. He was wise, compassionate, funny, deep, talented and insightful. He made the world a better place for all he knew and loved him, and my daughter (whose art he encouraged since she was little) and I miss him very much,

    Louisa x

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