Yesterday was a long day. Freshwater Bay at 9.30 am on a cold morning was not inviting at all especially as I was about to follow the coast, on foot, for twelve miles. Like my friends I’ve been reporting on recently I enjoyed a lively back and forth in my mind about continuing on with the plan. I continued on, for better or for worse.
Looking back towards Freshwater Bay with the white cliffs marking Tennyson Down beyond
Everywhere there is evidence of erosion. The land is falling into the sea and we humans are in retreat.
Sifting and sorting in the background while I’m here on the Isle of Wight for rest and renewal are questions and contemplations on a number of matters. At first they seemed to be unrelated, aspirations to do this, inner nudges to do that, the ordering and timing of a number of projects. I can’t say I’ve sat down purposefully and thought about all of this. However today after a very slow start, which was preceded by inner dialogue and confusion, matters have fallen into a workable, almost sensible, pattern. The journey continues.
Sounds like my kind of day! I like the combination of dramatic nature, an ambitious hike, and the loosening of the knots. (I personally think that the role of confusion is vastly underrated).
It sounds like the R and R is having its effects.
Thanks for your photos and observations.
In gassho, Jim