Well, that’s it! Seven pages of text typed, re-typed, edited, deleted, *wondered about, re-formatted, edited and re-edited again. There was a brief reply after I sent the document. “Got it”! Now I await a further response.
While looking for inspiration for a posting I came across a site that linked writing to thinking to learning more easily. I’m all for that, however what was a little worrying was that it came from the Artificial Intelligence Center. Just what IS that?
Misconceptions about writing
Myth: Writing is mainly about poetry and fiction.
Fact: That would be like saying exercise is mainly about ballet dancing!
Most of the writing in the world is for information.
It’s often done by people who don’t even like poetry and fiction.
Well, I’ve certainly been writing information these past weeks. It’s been a sort of a memory dump of the past ten years experience of fulfilling my monastic responsibility. And there is more to fall out of my memory banks, but that will have to be on another day.
*Wondered =’s ‘doubtful speculation’ also ‘be amazed at’.
How about the wonder of autumn in all of its glory around these parts in Englands Last Wilderness? Wonder Full.