Ah! Blessed Lord! Oh, High Deliverer!
I Take my Refuge in Thy Name and Thee!
I Take my Refuge in Thy Law of good!
I Take my Refuge in Thy Order! OM!
The dew is on the lotus! — Rise Great Sun!
And lift my leaf and mix me with the Wave.
Om Mani Padme Hum, the Sunrise Comes!
The dewdrop slips into the shining sea!
For full text see: The Light Of Asia, Sir Edwin Arnold
These words come at the very end of the Light Of Asia, The musical arrangement is by Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett and sung by the late Janet Watson. RIP. Organ played by a monastic member and the photographs of the Lake District are by my trusty walking companion.
The short video I’d intended to post about my dad was lost in transition from phone to laptop. Lost without trace. Too bad, especially as we did so many takes and got so cold in the process. Sorry.
Anyway a fitting memorial I think. And thanks for the emails you have sent giving witness to parents both alive and dead.
Thank you R for your help and support and for the video of course.
Today is the 12th anniversary of the death of my father. A good monastic friend’s father also died on this day. I’d like to record a video in remembrance since I’m close to where my dad is buried, and my mother too. As I said in a vid close to the New Year, remembering our parents, appreciating their place in our lives, and expressing our gratitude for the life and nurture they provide is no small thing. It’s a good thing. What ever our up-bring we can, at the very least, show gratitude for the opportunity to live a good and beneficial life now. And a huge bow to those who find it near impossible to connect with these words. I am so sorry.
In a post called Two Weddings and A Memorial there is a paragraph describing the extraordinary circumstances surrounding my dads death.
What ever your feelings about sheep and farming and the wool industry do Join The Flock. I’ve downloaded the kit and instructions, now all I have to do is get on and make my first sheep!
I’ve received several appreciative emails following the long post about Being Good For Others. It really points to, or tries to address, the testing question of ‘teaching’. Perhaps more in the informal sense of teaching.
Walter very kindly sent in a link to a YouTube video of the last section of Amongst White Clouds a film about hermits in the mountains of China. The ancient monk is grappling with the matter of teaching from ones own experience. He is a humble monk, and he glows. Just watching his face is teaching enough.
I can picture him working away in his art studio all day then, realizing it’s 5.00 pm, brushes himself off and is still for a moment or two. Then resuming work on what ever it is he is doing.
Having a place and a chair, familiar and comfortable, are no small gifts. Many do not have that.
Thanks Norman for the photograph which I tinkered with a bit. Came out nicely I think.
Practice Within The Order of Buddhist Contemplatives