A Spiritual Question – Answered

The 'Water Cut' head of the  Mallerstang Valley where the River Eden rises.
The ‘Water Cut’ head of the Mallerstang Valley where the River Eden rises.

What is the goal
ofgoalessness?the answer given:

put one foot
in front of the other
and know you’re
already there!

Trying to live that.


Hat tip to my correspondent who passed on this question and the given answer.

7 thoughts on “A Spiritual Question – Answered”

    1. Good. Glad to see you here Norman. Comments have been a bit thin on the ground of late…. I could think that’s a consequence of lack luster content however I will leave that thought well alone!

      1. More thought provoking than lack-lustre I think. More in a “need to think abput that” sort of way. Now I have the luxury of a tablet I get to look in on “Jade” each morning, the entries can set the tone of the day and I’m gratefull for that.

  1. I look in most evenings, too, and it sets the tone of my evening, or the following day. Your posts are a great comfort to me.

    1. Oh thank you Sue. I know you visit regularly and it is encouraging to have the comments. Let me take this moment to remember our late friend…

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