Look what I found in the walk-in fridge the other day. Read about this amazing vegetable and find out how to grow it.
Achocha of the Cucurbitaceae family.
Please correct me if I am wrong however I believe these specimens are Fat Baby (Cyclanthera brachystachya) noted for their soft fleshy spines. Achocha is one of the lost crops of the Incas.
This post is for Julie. Thought these little critters might fit into your gardening plans. At home or abroad…
You know me too well, i love weird veggies and will order some seeds to try in the polytunnel…did you get to taste them? What were they like. I have just put in two seed orders for next year and planning next winters vegetables seems very odd as winter hasn’t even started yet. Soon we will start sowing the first sprouting seeds for the winter salads though. The vegetable growing co-op has worked well it looks like they are all keen to do it again next year….
Seems there are several ‘Julies’ who like to grow veggie and grow stuff generally. Perhaps you all should get together some time.