What a rash of creative activity hitting our locked-in lives and the monastery is not lagging behind either.
Today we recorded and posted a video of Morning Service on the Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey website. It lasts a fraction under 20 mins and for those who are familiar with this ceremony I hope you will sing and bow along with the community. Regularly.
This evening as I took a brief walk I pondered on how ‘we all’ are responding to being confined. Of course it’s not all singing and jolly creative fun. Homes and households are getting seriously frayed. Lives lost and physical damage to persons and property is happening. Tragically.
Let our hearts break with the ‘Enormousness’ and move on through this to touch and know that which our heart desires. I’ll leave that thought with you. Creatively.
Thanks Reverend Mugo,
it’s working !
just a couple of thoughts –
you mentioned next Sunday a ceremony at Throssel for people who have died. Can times / scriptures be posted for sangha friends to join in ?
Yes hearts are breaking open …
isn’t the very essence of “- Buddha nature ” constantly expressing creatively when engaging fully in life …
I’ll see what I can do in terms of what you are asking for Treasa. Love what you say in your second point. The dedication at the start will be for all those who have died, are dying and will die. So it is the widest possible offering of merit.
Thank you Reverend Mugo,
definitely – am reminded of another teaching a monk said some years ago ” we are all in this together” .
Was speaking with a friend yesterday who was saying how she was having difficulty in some of the words being used such as ” social distancing” – rather than ” physical distancing” . As people are now coming together more than ever ‘ socially ‘ to help and support each other in many “creative” ways that we’ve not thought of before – whilst “physically distancing”…
Thank you,
for sharing “timeless” teachings with insight and creativity
Yes, somebody said exactly the same thing to me yesterday. Physically distancing fits better for sure.
Lovely to have this from you Norman. Brilliant. Thinking of you with broom in hand. Take care.