Animal Companions

I feel it in my bones
could be wrong
might be right
hope I am not.

Animal companions
are with us
and are gone
So fast, too soon.

The extract below is from a blog post in The Dish published back in 2013. You will see an outpour of emotion in response to the post from those who loved and lost, their beloved, their animal companion.

I held my hand on his heart, felt the last beats. Later, I called my elderly parents. My dad, no dog lover, said Mom was fairly lucid, which hadn’t been true for months. She knew who I was and asked how things were going. I told her about Wally and she said, “These animals with their short lives teach us so much about death.”
The Last Lesson We Learn From Our Pets, The Dish

This is for all those who have loved and lost an animal companion or struggling now with a failing four footed friend. Lest we forget reptiles and birds are wonderful companions too.

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