Big Wind – Big Sky

…and found the sky enchanting in the evening light.

It was a close thing this evening. We were getting supper ready and suddenly the sky turned navy blue. Then the wind got up and in no small way. Huge gusts for only a short time brought down a dead tree, closely missing the house. News is that trees were down all over town. Natures way of pruning, he said.

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6 thoughts on “Big Wind – Big Sky”

  1. “Natures way of pruning, he said”

    When I lived up in Northumberland and saw gale damage in the forest I would say precisely that. Its also natures way of thinning out dense vegetation.

    But the sky always seems most beautiful after a storm.


  2. Wonderful sky. Glad you are OK. It looks a picture of peace after the storm.

    Thank you for your last video posting, for sharing all of this with us.

    In gassho

  3. That would be Whitefish, Montana. Great to know that you are still there Angie. Now in Seattle this evening. My schedule is ususally up to date and can be found under the ‘tab’ marked Schedule…..just in case you didn’t know it was there.

  4. to share more Julie however it just has not worked out so well with internet connections while I have been on the road. This evening, in Seattle, I am taking full advantage of the connection.

  5. It’s so true about the sky after a storm. My companion stayed and watched as the mountains turn a beautiful pink.

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