Buddhas Disappear

‘Being there’ with somebody who is in a serious condition can be a cause that opens ones heart to simply give in faith. These are the times when ‘Buddha recognizes Buddha and Buddha disappears’. Through giving of oneself with no expectation of reward the illusory barrier between self and other dissolves. This happens all the time, we just don’t tend to notice. That’s fine, and just as well too!

Dear Reverend Master,
On my way to work this morning, I came across an accident. A 4-wheel drive car had collided with a cyclist. She was in agony, barely able to speak and she started to keep passing out before the ambulance arrived. I just hope that she’ll be ok. The poor car driver had simply not seen her. We had two medical professionals also supporting her.
In gassho,

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Dear Friend,
Always there are the opportunities, that arise naturally, to be there when somebody really needs somebody to just be still. Mugo

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Dear Reverend Master,
Yes, that seemed the most important thing to do, to be with the lady and holding her head, whilst her eye started to balloon out. She had no cycle helmet and I wonder if she had internal head damages. She was in a very poor state. It was distressing to hear the two medical people joke and laugh and chattering with each other. I tried to get them to quieten down.

We watched a film on BBC2 last night, ‘How to have a good death’ presented by Esther Rantzen. Similar episodes, to the one I encountered, were mentioned there. It made we wonder and want to help people during their life journey’s end. Please could you add Leila, the cyclist, to your transfer of merit notice board. Thank you.
In gassho,

3 thoughts on “Buddhas Disappear”

  1. How strange Rev. Mugo. I did the same thing this week. Stopped just after a car had flipped on the highway before medical personel had arrived and just stayed a bit by the side of a little 7 year old boy who was barely remaining conscious. I had a powerful feeling of a kind of bonding or kinship with a man who stayed at the boys head. We spoke softly to the boy but shared our fear and fervent wishes as we made silent eye contact with each other. I’ve been mulling it over all week. Thanks for helping me understand.

  2. Just being there is sometimes all that is needed. When I was working as a trauma nurse there were situations where one couldn’t do very much more. But simply being present is often a great comfort for the sufferer.
    There’s nothing heroic about it. We just do what is needed.

  3. No nothing heroic , but something human. Which in a world full of desire and suffering is “just as well too”.
    Blessings to those who who will not forbid there own compassion.
    ” Jigoku dé hotoké.”
    (Like meeting with a Buddha in hell.)

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