Buddhist Ground Force

One of the great blessings of living in community is working meditation, especially those times when we work on a project as a whole community. It is more difficult to gather enough people together in a small temple to get a large project completed, but not impossible.

At Telford Buddhist Priory a few Mondays ago a trusty group of gardeners did a ‘make over’ on the front garden. These pictures tell the story well. Click on the slide show tab at the top of the frame. I’m really impressed with this way of showing photographs.

For the uninitiated Ground Force, a long running BBC TV garden make-over program, became almost a modern British institution. Now after an eight year run it packed it’s bags and left.

2 thoughts on “Buddhist Ground Force”

  1. Rev. Mugo, thank you for the work meditation and the mornings we met in Edmonton. The yardwork we did there was not nearly as transformational as in these photos (I remember pulling weeds and collecting dog poo) but it was a blessing to spend that time at the priory. The teaching you provided was exactly what I needed.

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