Category Archives: Teachings

Hidden Treasure

Everything is well
in the garden.
at the same time
dark tangles….
Surface appearances
in the depths.

We talk about the finger pointing at the moon of our original Buddha Nature. We can talk about that which is, the great universe the eternal Buddha, our nature as Buddha etc. however the words are not the moon itself. They are just our best attempt to encapsulate that which defies words, ultimately. Trouble is there is a tendency, and how human of us, to think there are some fingers better than others at pointing to the moon. This could be true of course. However hunting for the right finger, pointing in a more accessible way to the eternal moon, could be a life time search.

While all along the fingers are everywhere. Pointing, not to some far distant truth, but to a truth which resides in the depths of our everyday encounter with existence as that plays out before and within us. Daily. That which is tangled, obscuring, painful, messy and dark in nature are fingers challenging us. Why not squint a little (literally and figuratively), and there as clear as day the treasure of our original Buddha Nature resides – within – in the depths.

I often use the word treasure in terms of the important thing because it has the connotation of something hidden, valuable and worth making the effort to find, and value. Why not go squinty eyed and see if the treasure isn’t to be found in unexpected places. For many of us our own house is the very last place to look. Even when told a million times the direction of our gaze be directed.

That’s it for today. Enjoy the flowers when you can.

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Fallen Into A Hole

On the moors are to be found Shake Holes, also called Swallow Holes. This might however be a disused mine shaft and not one of these holes.

I was once told by a professional psychologist, and monk of our order, that most adults have some degree of depression. Thankfully, for the most part, I manage to keep myself out of trouble in this regard. Although I do have my moments. There are very many reasons to pass through depressed times including finding that ones way forward is being suppressed – either by oneself or by ones circumstances (ususally a combination of the two). For some people depression is life limiting in the extreme and my heart goes out to those in such circumstances.

There was a retreat recently where a bunch of people gathered to examine the subject of depression. Most had a very personal interest in the subject. One of the monks from Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey gave a talk Training With Depression (it’s in two parts.) You will need to scroll down the page to reach (talks) By other monks and our lay sangha.

My Internet connection is still playing up unfortunately….

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The Eternal Gem

The wonderful thing
about Zen practice is
that you get to do it
whether you like it or not.

I was talking to a woman the other day who is preparing to receive the Precepts during Jukai at Throssel in early April. This quote indicates that once you have committed to the practice it does itself. One thing that seems to happen during the lead-up to the commitment made during Jukai is to question ones ‘readiness’. Questions such as Am I able to keep the Precepts? Or, Am I adequately prepared, or would it be best to wait another year?

Like anything else one commits to, one enters with the understanding and depth one has at that time. Invariably that understanding deepens as one goes on in life. In the beginning taking up formal practice seems to be all about discipline. Not a word or concept some of us take so kindly too! The rebellious amongst us know how the internal pressure to ‘sit still’ works with that rebellious nature which…well…is in the habit of rebelling. There is always the need to be reflective around what we choose to do and not do. That is true for everybody.

Even after very many years of committed practice that little duality, Discipline v rebellion, can left foot us. At such times it’s good to take a kind look at oneself. Not sitting may not be a problem with discipline. It might be that something is pushing one to take a deeper look as to why one sits anyway. In the beginning it is a ‘good thing’ and becomes a ‘good’ habit which proves we are not the hopeless kid we sometimes think we are!

We have been told that over and over that ‘pure zazen must be done’, that sitting is a good thing. But what is the good, and what is the thing? The kid in us all, the rebellious one, gets some hard knocks along the way but not everything needs to be laid at her door. As the quote says, we practice whether we like it, or like it not. More importantly whether we know it or not. And along the way we struggle but that’s just a finger pointing back to us to ease up on ourselves. Why not sit still and enjoy and appreciate the gem we carry in our hearts. Sometimes we know it’s twinkle and most often not.

The gem, however, can be lost sight of. But not for long though.

Thanks to Chris Y. for the quote. And I’m sorry not to post more often of recent weeks. Right now my Internet connection has failed so nothing much will appear here for a few days. Sitting in the local gift shop where there is a free Internet connection I realize how I enjoy writing in such conditions. The statutory coffee and cake helps of course!

This post is for those who are stepping, those who have been stepping for years and all of us who have been stepping…eternally. For that’s, in truth, how it is. Practice has no beginning and no end. But receiving the Precepts formally is not nothing.

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Breathless Living

Sunday last. A brief stop for a bowl of soup at The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle.

Absorbed in the drama and costumes, carried away by the poetry of the fine cascade of notes flying up from violin and oboe, the recitation brings unsought emotion and then…. And then the performance is over and for just a brief moment there is silence. A balloon of silence, a moment between ending and the audience responding. Hopefully with cries of appreciation and wild applause. But what of that pause, that pregnant pause so full of potential. A response is in the air.

Apart from the obvious pauses in ones day, week, year and life time there is a natural pause which gets missed in our breathless way of living. And that is the pause, if you bring your mind to it, between an out breath and an in breath. Just wait, pause, at the end of the out breath and with no effort at all the in-breath comes of itself. Sort of snaps in with ones ribs expanding back, sideways and in-front. Try a pregnant pause. Discover that balloon of silence. What comes out of ones mouth, words, might be changed in the process of pausing. Take care not to hold your breath though!

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Obstacles Bring Forth Fruit

Obstacles are those frightful fruitful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.

Henry Ford

When I first read the above quote in my diary I saw fruitful. Reading it again now I see the original word is frightful! Just shows how ones perceptions and comprehensions are conditioned by ones point of view.

All a bit lost in words at the moment. Tomorrow maybe some photographs.

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