Category Archives: Teachings

Appreciating Expression

I appreciate individuals, and groups, who stir to express themselves through artistic endeavour. I appreciate the, for want of a better word, the passion which has anybody opening up their doors and windows to allow themselves out into the public domain. Out there for scrutiny, open to scrutiny. To sustain that personal vulnerability over perhaps a life-time there must be something quite deep going on. I struggle to appreciate what that might be but perhaps the common theme is a wish to better understand ones own evolving inner process of thoughts and ideas. Whether it is giving our inner world expression through so called high art or everything else it doesn’t much matter to me.

And it is the everything else which has my attention. Even if I don’t really understand what is being conveyed on the surface level, I can appreciate something deeper. So what about these videos composed by a chap who practices within our Soto Zen tradition. I asked him how do I describe what you do. He said, after some thinking about it, abstract geometrical landscapes. I’ve picked out Japan Crossing because of the overt Buddhist connections as well as the connection with travel and especially travel by train. There are a whole bunch of these abstract geometric landscapes. Give them a go why not.

The videos called Bloodline of the Buddhas has a very direct link in with our spiritual roots.

This refers to the teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha and how it has been handed down through time in the Soto Zen lineage to the present. The soundtrack contains a manipulation of the sound of monks at Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey singing the daily Ancestral Line scripture.

Some years back this video was shown at a video festival (or what ever one calls such events) in Tokyo.

This post was inspired by an event I attended last evening. I’d cooked ‘tea’ for the main speaker and his wife so obviously I’d support the event, especially since it was just around the corner from where I am staying. The subject of the talk was a local Heritage Railway. I’d joined a room full of railway enthusiast, the steam era specifically. The emotion in the room on seeing photographs of trains in full steam was something to behold!

Everything else, in terms of creative human endeavor covers a lot of ground. Steam train fever, ice fever, knitting fever, philosophic ponderings, meditation? Passions can morph into obsessions of course. Along the way hopefully – deep personal fulfillment. Moments at least.

Chris maintains a personal blog where he posts photographs and links to his videos. There are recent images of snow in Norfolk. Weather again!

The next passionate endevour will be about knitting.

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Being Good For Others & The Elephant In The Corner


In answer to an anonymous comment from a few days ago. When ever possible I get out after breakfast and walk. I’m fortunate to be able to do that. It might just be for half an hour however it seems significant to physically separate from where I work and live. If but briefly. I’m not sure why that getting-out-of-the-house is important however doing it does seems to bring a certain liveliness to my working day. Some days I have to lever myself out of the front door. Wet, grey days especially.

This morning, out walking on the light dusting of snow, I noticed boot prints with ‘claws’ extending out in front of the boot! A new kind of traction device for icy conditions I suspect. There were also the unmistakable signs of Yaktrax, a traction device I used in Edmonton during winter snows. But what about the car tyre tracks? Every track tells a story and clearly here was a car that lost traction and had to turn back. With some danger and difficulty.

Thinking about it we were originally designed to be on all fours. Now walking on our hind legs and traveling on round wheels we can easily run into serious trouble! We humans have of course adapted physically and mentally and for the most part can stay upright and moving forward. Most of the time anyway. And if we are using good tyres in good condition the vehicle we are in will gain traction. Most of the time anyway. Shoe traction devices are wonderful by the way.

But what about gaining traction metaphorically speaking. For the most part it almost always has something to do with acceptance, in the end. Although of course the exact meaning of gaining traction depends on the context in which the expression is used. The opposite or complimentary expression would be spinning ones wheels! When you spin your wheels, you are doing everything you can in terms of effort, but you are getting nowhere, like the car on the hill. When you gain traction, your effort is finally getting you somewhere. There are some interesting Preceptual matters going on behind these thoughts.

Did you ever feel you were getting nowhere, inter-personally, socially, politically and spiritually even? Gaining traction, being heard/understood/appreciated etc., is what one hopes for, using reason and logic, kindness for both self and others. And anything else at ones disposal. But just sometimes you know that the wheels, metaphorically speaking, have no traction. The ground is very very slippery. You know you are getting nowhere. What to do? Like the car on the slippery hill one option is to turn around and take a different route. Or retreat until conditions change and are more favorable. Increasingly, when it is practically possible, I find that stepping aside (pulling over into a lay-by) for a longer or shorter time is very effective. But not a universally wise way to go.

Just one last thought. Trying to gain traction can lead to spinning ones wheels, in a rather destructive way both emotionally and spiritually. How so? In a million ways, in every day, we are exerting influence on conditions. We are after all active agents in the flow of change. If the background intention of our interactions is towards following the Precepts, the potential harm is at best minimized. The Three Pure Precepts are 1)cease from harmful habitual action, 2) do that which is good (beyond the opposites and good/bad) and 3) do (or be) good for others. But what about the elephant in the corner?

Ah the elephant! In common parlance that would be ones personal agenda, in religious terms it would be ones personal koan. The koan arrives naturally in daily life and if it is the elephant that’s trying to gain traction, predominately, then better to invite the elephant into the light, acknowledge as an old friend, accept as one you love and carry on. Better informed. Kinder, wiser and more often than not – humbler.

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The Dewdrop Slips Into The Shining Sea – Choral Piece

The Dewdrop slips into the shining sea…choral piece. from Mugo on Vimeo.

Ah! Blessed Lord! Oh, High Deliverer!
I Take my Refuge in Thy Name and Thee!
I Take my Refuge in Thy Law of good!
I Take my Refuge in Thy Order! OM!
The dew is on the lotus! — Rise Great Sun!
And lift my leaf and mix me with the Wave.
Om Mani Padme Hum, the Sunrise Comes!
The dewdrop slips into the shining sea!
For full text see: The Light Of Asia, Sir Edwin Arnold

These words come at the very end of the Light Of Asia, The musical arrangement is by Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett and sung by the late Janet Watson. RIP. Organ played by a monastic member and the photographs of the Lake District are by my trusty walking companion.

The short video I’d intended to post about my dad was lost in transition from phone to laptop. Lost without trace. Too bad, especially as we did so many takes and got so cold in the process. Sorry.

Anyway a fitting memorial I think. And thanks for the emails you have sent giving witness to parents both alive and dead.

Thank you R for your help and support and for the video of course.

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Remembering Dads

Today is the 12th anniversary of the death of my father. A good monastic friend’s father also died on this day. I’d like to record a video in remembrance since I’m close to where my dad is buried, and my mother too. As I said in a vid close to the New Year, remembering our parents, appreciating their place in our lives, and expressing our gratitude for the life and nurture they provide is no small thing. It’s a good thing. What ever our up-bring we can, at the very least, show gratitude for the opportunity to live a good and beneficial life now. And a huge bow to those who find it near impossible to connect with these words. I am so sorry.

In a post called Two Weddings and A Memorial there is a paragraph describing the extraordinary circumstances surrounding my dads death.

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Join The Flock #still4amo

They approached as if I were one of them….
but no.

What ever your feelings about sheep and farming and the wool industry do Join The Flock. I’ve downloaded the kit and instructions, now all I have to do is get on and make my first sheep!

Ah, collective effort. Still with others.

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