Sharp shadow friends
An endless summer.
Home sober.
Category Archives: Photo/Poem Series
Catching Raindrops
Down to the river
to catch raindrops
all the while
dripping wet, soaked
to the bone-marrow.
No Magic Bullets
Magic bullets
technique or practice
absolutely cannot
Every now and then
Every now and then
a bend in the road
a twist of the path
and just for a moment
The Truth is true.
Ryokan – 1 Finding the Truth
On June 11th 2008 I started a series of posts with a photograph and a few lines of a poem by Zen Master Ryokan. Here is the link to the first post in that series. The photographs were all taken in the woods in Washington state.
Ancient sages left their works behind, not to let us know
About themselves, but to help us understand our own stamp.
Songs of Ryokan, Chinese Poems #103