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Conscious About Cats

Shoe shelf loving cat at Shasta Abbey 2011.
Shoe shelf loving cat at Shasta Abbey 2011.

The abbey (Shasta Abbey) also offers a number of programs that are open to the public, including meditation instruction, retreats, teaching and spiritual counseling. While the cats are not officially part of these programs, they do make their presence known. The chief cook’s cat is often seen outside the kitchen, greeting guests (or perhaps waiting for a hand out?), and the guest monk has a cat who is very much alert and present when guests come.

From The Cats of Shasta Abbey, The Conscious Cat conscious living, health and happiness for cats and their humans

This is a must read blog for all those who dote on cats and care passionately about their health and welfare.

I was the guardian of several cats while living at Shasta Abbey in the 1980’s. Oh the stories I could tell! Tom, Max, Clerica, Cora, Thomas. There were others – and dogs too.

Many thanks to Angie for the link.

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Harken To Music

Hassock. River Eden in foreground.
Hassock. River Eden in foreground.
Twelve hours away today
calling on sangha friends
ears flap
voices sing together
laughing and crying.

On return
on the doorstep
pausing for a moment
the Blackbird at song
on a roof ridge.

Bird song at dawn,
water running
shallow over
half-submerged rocks
in the river.
Music all.

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Faults And Imperfections

Trees say so much in a benign kind of way. Slowly, slowly and with no fussing they self-heal and fuse and bend with conditions. There is not a perfection of tree. No mistakes in their growth life. Age brings character, individuality and a grandeur hard to ignore.

For trees the passage of time expressed in their gnarled and nobly form is to be loved. Same with humans?

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Build a Stupa

Tiny House in the forest….
Tiny House in the forest….

So delighted to stumble upon this tiny work-site shed on wheels while out walking the other day. It is clad all over in wood unlike the ones you see next to holes in the road and building sites in Germany. I guess they are the generic ‘site hut’ where workers brew up and generally commune. I could have put it in my pocket and taken it home! I loved the image so much I’ve used it on my Twitter front page. The hut is calling as a hermitage hut for reflection, rather than it’s real life use. Speaking of hermitages…

As mentioned in the previous post Zen Master Dogen teaching and writing is rich with references to The Lotus Sutra. So much was he inspired by this Sutra that he named the house in Kyoto where he died Lotus Sutra Hermitage. The house was owned by his major lay disciple who was caring for him during the time leading up to his death. Dogen was said to have spent his last days walking around a pillar reciting The Supernatural Powers of the Tathagata, Chapter 21 of the Lotus Sutra. In this passage the Buddha says that whenever the sutra is kept to/recited a stupa should be built and offerings given. It is understood that in such places the Buddha Dharma will spring up and continue to flourish.

(Reinstated post of 24th April)

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Mind Your Step!

Sitting and waiting. Waiting for the next flight which will take me that bit closer to my destination. That’s Germany and the Black Forest. There to stay for three weeks in a temple of the order run by a monk I ‘grew up’ with at Shasta Abbey. I am glad and grateful to have this chance to ‘boot down’ for a short time. These past weeks have been exceptionally involved for me. Several people near and far calling to my heart as well as admin. needing attention.

I plan to devote time to contemplating this and that and if there is something I can share here I will do so. There will be photos for sure.

Meanwhile ‘watch your step’! A mantra chanted at the start and end of moving walkways. Just part of the sound scape which is all airport buzz, hum and whirling luggage wheels.

It is good to be thinking of Jade readers and to have time and brain space to do that.

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