Death Bed

Always the blue sky, always the clouds. Together.

at a bedside
holding hands
holding head

No way
to know
deaths approach

This morning
painful feet (mine)
AND clear blue sky (ours)
is that what it’s like?
We do ‘know’.

And yet we don’t know and that’s most likely a good thing. Facing life, so too with facing death, at heart baffling the everyday mind.  And, at the same time – the ever-present clear blue sky.

Added after initial publication of this post: I have been dipping in and out of this book: With The End in Mind How to live and die well by Kathryn Mannix a Palliative Care doctor in the UK.

5 thoughts on “Death Bed”

  1. What an honest and clear reflection.I often think how close and somehow similar are life and death.Entwined together.

  2. It’s this perspective that helped me as a palliative care nurse….How completely ordinary and wonderfully humbling to be a midwife of death!!!
    The loss of some is harder to endure, though I have a feeling that’s more to do with me hanging on than those letting go.

    1. Thanks, Gareth. Didn’t know you had been a nurse. What an honour. I have been reading, dipping in and out, of a book by Kathryn Mannix, With the End in Mind, How to live and die well. I rate it highly. I’ll pop a link to that book on the post. I’d intended to do that and then I had to go to a business meeting so published sooner than I had intended.

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