As you may guess my last post, a poem was my reflection on visiting Rev. Alexander a few days before he died. There is a post on Throssel blog which speaks of Rev. Alexander. The post is open for comments and they are accumulating, you are welcome to add yours should you have been fortunate enough to have known him.
So many memories flood in when somebody one has known well over a number of years, dies. So it is for me with the Reverend Alexander. There is a photograph of him sitting in the sunshine here in the garden Throssel, he had been reading aloud from Bill Bryson’s book Notes from a Small Island. His head is thrown back, he is laughing so hard he is choking and gasping for air and I remember exclaiming ‘please don’t die now‘! I’ll publish that photograph when I can find it. In the mean time – happy memories.
Oh blimey. Doesn’t one miss so many gentle souls that have given life real meaning? This man is one such.
In gassho
I remember a tea and questions session he took once years ago. He talked about ambition, sitting and gratitude – he was inspirational and left a lasting impression.