Depth – Beauty

bridge1While out walking this morning I noticed depth in a way I don’t think I’ve appreciated in quite the same intensity. From close up to the sky there is layer upon layer of texture and substance, colour – and the marking of passing time. Add to that input from the rest of the senses and right there is a symphony. I don’t regard myself as one finely attuned to what you might call beauty however I think I’m getting there. Dare I say!

We talk about deepening meditation and that expression has tended to leave me wondering. Just what exactly does that mean? I’d find it quite difficult to put into words depth in connection with meditation. Yet there is no doubt that meditation is profound and well….deep. Sometimes you know and notice and sometimes, most times, not. I guess deepening is noticing the depth, the beauty. And then refraining from naming. And especially refraining from grading meditation. Deep, deeper, deepest! Good or bad, or terrible!

So my last thought on the subject is that beauty is ever-present. And infinitely deep.

4 thoughts on “Depth – Beauty”

  1. Oh yes! There is so much going on all the time; so many details. No wonder we need to ‘filter out’ much of them just to be able to put one foot forward. Not so easy sometimes (for me) to ‘see’ what’s to be acted upon. I sometimes think I must wander round with my eyes closed! This I find in formall meditation and daily life.

    The leaves have been stunning this year and on the trees quite late.

  2. Dave (and as I believe you know along with all of humanity) – there is that which you can rely on to see, anytime, anywhere and in all circumstances. Takes faith/trust which does not require us to feel trusting or faithful! One of the senior monks talks about the eyes knowing how to see, the ears know how to hear…etc.

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