The rock
Cautley Spout, in the Howgill Fells
The scale of it….
It is almost two weeks since these photographs were taken. The falls called me back a week later and I expect I’ll go again before the end. It is known that a Stone Age community lived in this awesome valley. The imposing rock is near where evidence of the settlement was found.
Way back when, a path ran from the settlement to the the base of the falls – and stopped there. It was a road going nowhere, or so it would seem. I like to think those ancient people honoured and respected this magnificent place, the falls and the embracing valley. Far from going nowhere the road went in the direction of depth. Or so it seems to me. Yes, I’ll go back when perhaps it will be possible to clamber up beside the falls.
Nice Photo RM Mugo,
It looks like First Tortoise. Still moving, v e r y s l o w l y , due to age.