Encouragement – Recognition

I will be away from an internet connection for the next few days so posts may be few, if at all. A break may well do me good in terms of bringing some energy to writing. Talking to a regular reader this lunch time at the end of a retreat at Throssel I was reminded, gently, that it doesn’t always pay to be too available. I think she spoke from experience. Part of continuing writing IS about being available, of being a place which invites people in to connect with themselves. And that’s more or less what the other regular reader I met this lunch time said. Good to see you both. Thanks for your encouragement, much appreciated too.

I watched Beasts of the Southern Wild this evening. The child lead is a nominee for the Academy Awards Best Actress. Over in America the awards glitz and prance must be getting going about now. It was her first acting job. Good job! and wonderful ability to scream very loudly.

But what would be the effect on that girl should she win the award? Would it be good to get recognition so early in her career. Now 9 years old she would have reached a level of professional recognition many don’t get until they are seasoned. Recognition is a double edged sword isn’t it. Bringing on the one hand confidence (it has that effect on me when, as today, I meet readers) and on the other hand it is easy to get swollen headed and out of balance. Nobody is immune to the lure of fame and fortune. No worries about that for me though!

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