Field Of Merit – New Project Launched

Field of Merit website banner photograph

I’ve been hinting in past posts that there is a project about to be launched which I am involved with. Well here it is…. We opened the doors eight hours ago and we hope you will support our efforts any way you can. Why not be the first to leave a comment and sign-up for our monthly Newsletter for starters? Read the first two posts of our blog, read our About page. Let us know via the contact form if the pages don’t display correctly on your computer.

The photograph, which we are using as the website banner image, was taken in the grounds of Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey a month ago. Newcastle had just had the devastating storm which left houses and businesses washed out, the black cloud to the right speaks of serious weather near by. Incidentally, when conditions calmed down, people were kayaking up and down the flooded streets! Everybody loves a bit of fun even in the midst of serious conditions. And why not?

Rev. Alicia and I have been working towards opening up our website Field of Merit and it’s great to see it go live for all to see. It’s the public face of our efforts to establish a new temple of our Order in Britain. Given it’s history the buttercup field seemed like a good photograph for our banner image. In my own mind I offer my best thoughts, spiritual merit, to the situation that unfolded at the time the photo was taken. No doubt people are still dealing with the aftermath of the flash flood that hit them so suddenly.

Perhaps those of you who have been visiting here, and early on Moving Mountains, or know me personally, will appreciate how significant this project is. There is enlightened self interest in that I’ll have a permanent place to live, eventually. More importantly though is the opportunity to collaborate with another monastic working towards providing a facility close to our hearts.

2 thoughts on “Field Of Merit – New Project Launched”

  1. This is a good photograph and I think it works well as a banner. Yellow is such an uplifting colour and buttercups always ‘look up’ – they have acted to remind me to do so as I go about things today. I’m moved to try and embroider some.
    Thanks Rev Mugo.
    In gassho, Julie

  2. The whole project looks a good idea. A logical next step and dare I say it, exciting.

    Needless to say I’ve bookmarked the site.


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