Form Reveals History

From The Central Garden At Shasta Abbey from Mugo on Vimeo.

During one night in January a huge amount of snow fell at Shasta Abbey which is located in Northern California, USA. The particular quality of the snow had it clinging to the trees creating a huge burden of weight. Very many of the trees simply fell over causing damage to buildings and other trees. Saplings bent under the weight and remained bent over after the snow had gone. Fruit trees and broad leaf trees shed limbs and tops snapped off in many cases. A sad event for trees. Now in the aftermath there is much clearing up to be done. This evening I helped one of the monks to collect kindling before the relentless wood chipping crew sweep through munching everything in its path.

For those not able to watch the video there is a message towards the end of the clip which is basically a plea to exercise compassion – for the trees and for oneself and towards others. More photographs on the way.

This post was edited soon after I put it up because what I’d written might have been interpreted as I had not intended. And that would have been a great pity.

3 thoughts on “Form Reveals History”

  1. Thank you RM Mugo. I was there recently for the Jukai retreat and saw the damage. Yikes! Thank you for the comments regarding the possibility of growing empty spaces inside of trees that appear healthy, and us at times. I think that those empty spaces inside us can make us more susceptible to falling over when conditions become a bit extreme, and in other situations can make us more able to “sound” more deeply the…(?) Like a drum? Three of them?
    I hope we have a chance to connect while you’re on this side of the pond. Hope you get some rest.
    In Gassho,

  2. Thanks for that Rev Mugo and good to see you looking well in that sunny evening. Even been having some sun here in Shetland!

    In gassho, Kevin

  3. it was very good to hear your voice.
    i hope your trip continues to go well.
    many years ago i visited Mt. Shasta as i was told by a girlfriend (at the time)
    that it was a sacred mountain.

    by chance, coincidence, i was listening to a podcast by my favorite Buddhist teacher/monk/person Jack Kornfield last night and he too was talking about the importance of compassion for oneself as well as others.

    if you do not know of him, he is up near San Francisco at a place called Spirit Rock. he was recently in LA and i unfortunately checked his webpage a day too late.

    any chance your travels are bringing you down to the Los Angeles area? there is a beautiful Buddhist temple in Hacienda Heights. it is like you are in China. i think the founder was from Taiwan.

    time for dinner and a walk at sunset.
    by the way, i am the kevin that lives in the south bay of LA, and that
    goes to Japan frequently.

    soredewa odaiji ni,

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