Free to Laugh

I thought it must have been about this time. It’s an anniversary.

Two years ago I was in Edmonton and two years ago we heard of Rev. Mildred’s death in England. She had been my novice assistant at Reading Priory. Latter on, as a senior monk, she came to stay for a number of months. Her disarming humour and ‘little ways’ were at once a joy and a challenge. “I’m stubborn like a donkey” and I’d reply, “Don’t knock it Reverend, the donkey has carried you this far hasn’t she”? We would laugh, amidst the tears, as we negotiated daily living. It was not easy, however the hard times quickly faded from memory. Right now I remember and honour Reverend Mildred; for her charm and wit and wisdom.

She taught me so much, perhaps we taught each other, who knows. Our time at Reading marked a turning point in my spiritual life and I attribute that in major part to her presence. Every opportunity I could find, I thanked her. Right up to when we last met.

Rachel sent me this poem by Meister Eckhart. It speaks of love, of giving simple love to a burro (donkey). This is for Reverend Mildred, set free to laugh.

And also for Rachel’s guinea pig who died yesterday, in Reading.

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