To recognize your own moving on will certainly be no different from recognizing the moving on of the verdant mountains.
– Sansuikyo, On the Spiritual Discourses of the Mountains and the Water
Shobogenzo, The Eye and Treasury of the True Law.
Here is an extract from the translators notes attached to this chapter:
In this discourse in particular, ‘mountain’ is most often used as a descriptive epithet for one who is sitting in meditation, as still as a mountain among mountains (that is, one who is training among other members of the Buddhist Sangha),…
If here is a place to sit as a mountain among mountains all will be well. Let us walk on the Way, together with all living things.
Nice looking site. I have bookmarked it so will continue to follow on from “Moving Mountains”.
“Thole Man” postings will be a bit infrequent while I’m in Cyprus until June. Hope all goes well for you across the “pond”.
congratulations on your new home.
Every day when I switch on my PC, I check your site, read, make gassho and then start my days work.
Thank you for this site Reverend Mugo.
Andi Sinclair.
Telford Lay Sangha (prev Manchester)
Hi Rev. Mugo – just a quick note to say hi, and what a nice site Jade Mountains is! Just got back from Jukai – went with Rev. Aurelian and another person from the lay sangha – so very helpful. Grant and I are both looking forward to seeing you in the frozen north, where you always are welcome!
In gassho;
Such a brilliantly designed site! Some very good quotes to start off the (continuous) transition.
In gassho, Jim