We celebrated the Festival of the Buddha’s Enlightenment on the 6th December which came at the end of a weekend retreat with many guests here. Always a real pleasure to see people and to catch up during lunch. Rev. Jishin, one of the senior monks resident at Throssel, gave a talk titled “True Heart”. I love to listen to her, hope you get a chance to do that too.
On a personal note: Thanks to those of you who have sent emails asking if I’m OK since I’ve been consistently absent from Jade for nearly eight months! There’s a multitude of good reasons for not writing however when I look at them honestly, they amount to, mostly, excuses! Sorry. I got out of the habit of writing however habits can be changed. This TV interview with James Clear is a helpful ‘how-to’.
Thank you Rev Mugo, good one to share. 🙏🏼
Thanks Mo.
It would be lovely to hear from you more often.
You will do dear Sue. You will. I’ve turned a corner. Do I need to say what the road looked like before I turned it? Seems a bit self-indulgent.
Whatever the road looked like, I hope it was strewn with love.
Hum. I’ll have to think about what the road was strewn with. At the moment, tonight the road is awash with rain and the trees assaulted by gale-force winds. That’s Northumberland in the winter.
Always good to receive a Jade Mountains post into the email inbox. Thanks!
Always good to receive a comment from you Miles.