Hard Times

“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”

From Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot

When times are tough, whether it is the fear/anxiety described by Andrew or just tough times, words of wisdom appear. I read the above poem years ago at school and the words actually mean something to me now and are a comfort.

It’s winter, there is a recession; bad news can seem to dominate and this affects my mood and viewpoint. I take refuge; and the words proffered this too will pass had me dissolved in tears of gratitude and relief.

So when times are hard, and they are hard sometimes!……. even though the mind and habits lead me to try and fix the problem I can remind myself that there is no fixing. Embrace everything that comes with compassion and love. And then, there is taking action, doing the next thing, going, going, going on beyond…..to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

2 thoughts on “Hard Times”

  1. Hello Adrienne,
    You’ve picked one of my favorite quotes, though it didn’t really “pop into place” until I read your posting.

    It so much reminds me of meditation: I sit, I watch/notice/investigate/explore what is right there, nothing changes AND everything is new again. The “thistle down” has blown away just enough for me to see that there’s so much more.

    I hope winter treats you and your family well. Take good care.

    In gassho, Jim

  2. I am glad that you too connect with Elliot’s words. It’s good to have these ‘pointers’ towards practice, isn’t it?

    Thanks for your kind words. Good wishes to you and yours.

    with bows, Adrienne

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