Walking along a narrow pavement this afternoon, in walking shoes and wearing a small day pack (to carry shopping in), a woman stopped me. Have you got far to go? she inquired. Errrm, about 3 mins to get home I replied, wondering at the question. She then, without drawing breath, proceeded to describe the walk she had just done. She’d been on a huge long hike around the lanes even though not exactly kited out for the project. More like going shopping clothes. We could have swapped! Now, remembering that brief conversation, I can remember so much about how she looked, just as in the same way I can remember details about the woman I mention in the above video. Face, hair, clothing, hat, (in the case of the woman today – impressive gold teeth!), foot ware. However, most especially I will remember the bright ‘spirit’ shining from their eyes. Walking can do that. Cause people to shine.
But I’ve been ‘racing’! Racing to complete a few tasks by days end. It’s one thing to put structure into ones day quite another, as the day draws to a close, to readjust/restructure in the face of fading light. Unfortunately, as happened to me the other day, when out on a walk in the hills in the face of fading light, I had no option but to keep on walking! This short video was taken as the sun slid behind the ridge I’d been walking along earlier, On Returning from Coniston Old Man.
Such sage advice…. not to race….. to take time to ‘smell the roses’ so to speak (or in this case, to enjoy the beauty of the scenery and the sound of the babbling creek in the background of your video!). Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Jessica. In one version of the many videos I recorded I mentioned that I was thinking of my ‘dear relative in America’, which is you of course! So, I walk these walks fundamentally as an altruistic spiritual activity. (sounds a bit pious I know, however that’s the way it is.) I benefit from the fresh air and exercise as well.
The chap who, I believe I mentioned in the video, who’d just had major surgery is now recovering at home. Not a straight road for him though. As it happens I’m just about ready to walk down the road on a walk through woodland. It’s going to be a really warm day and being under cover of the trees for most of the way will be welcomed shade.