I wish to be washed away
to be as the sea
to BE darkness and light
for the Light to shine through
to the depthFor this Life to be seen.
For this state of profound humility
to be me.
This post is for all those caught up in the recent killings in America. And for all of us who are neighbours, however distant. Within tragedy, horror and confusion the depths of us can shine through. Brighter deeper; still.
In humility we can bow deeply – lost for words. I am.
RT @revmugo: New Post – Let The Light Shine Through: http://t.co/DFvGF1H4 Merit post for those caught up in the killings in Newtown, USA.
Thank you for your post. This horrific shooting has stunned to the core.The grief for the young and old souls lost by this madness is felt by all.
Yes Gay, stunned is about how I have been feeling.