Caring For Buddha

Cairngorms, Scotland
Cairngorms, Scotland
How about this for a brilliant photograph of The Cairngorms in the Highlands of Scotland. It was taken on a cell phone using the panoramic feature. Thanks to Dave for this brilliant picture. And several hundred miles south in Kendal, in The Lake District Cumbria lights are going on. I love to see the Christmas lights.
Which way Lapland, Mt. Everest and Scarfel Pike?
Which way Lapland, Mt. Everest and Scarfel Pike?
As you can see the signpost proudly sports the distance to Mt. Everest and Lapland. As well as a local mountain, Scarfell Pike. I bet my walking companion has climbed that one at least once. In earlier years I longed to go to Lapland and walk the Kings Trail and even earlier I vowed I’d climb Mt Everest. Neither of which I did. I did however climbed Scarfell Pike with a group from our school, I was about fourteen. A risky climb if I remember correctly.

This is the time of year when many people are climbing aboard trains, ‘planes and automobiles, off to visit family and friends. Not the best time of year to be traveling.  I’ll be  staying at Throssel over the holidays and hoping for good weather when I drive away on January 1st to visit relatives further south. Last year I got caught out on Hartside Top in a blizzard. At the end of that post I promised myself if there was any risk of snow on the Pennines I’d take the long way around. I’ll remember that.

Zen Master Dogen reminds us in several places in his writing that our body is deeply significant and we are urged to take great care. I’d say body/mind is deeply significant. I’ll remember that. Would we not take care of the Buddha?

2 thoughts on “Caring For Buddha”

  1. I think you may have crossed the picture links (or you’re being very subtle). Clicking (twice) on the “Cairngorms” to see it full size takes me to the “signpost”, and vice versa. Safe travels and best wishes.

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