A Letter to Mr. Ng Yaw Koon.

Dear Mr. Ng,

I am so grateful for you coming to the temple last night and this morning to do Reflexology on my feet and for giving me the tablets and bottle of lotion made by your late father (also a Master of Foot Reflexology you tell me). I think the swelling in my legs is gradually going down. As you said things are looking better this morning and it was very reassuring to hear you say that it ‘wasn’t so bad’. As I said I have problems with my legs swelling with water all of my life and especially when sitting a lot and when it is hot. Both of these things are happening at the moment, right!

This morning you passed on such valuable information about the points to press to help myself and exercises that can help the flow of energy around the body. I only hope I can remember all, even part, of what you told me. I wonder if I managed to convey my gratitude to you adequately. You will have no idea how important our meeting was but perhaps you got the gist anyway. Ah Gi as always is such a help to me as she sits and smiles and brings me things, she is my guardian in the highest sense of the word. And she was there for me, sitting peacefully, while you worked and I talked to Rev. Master Meian and Rev. Shiko on my cell phone. Daily life continues where ever one is. As we spoke about, meditation is for always and everywhere. We understand each other very well I think.

So, it is time for me to get in the car and travel with Shih Fu and the two other women to Penang, I hope your travels in China next week go well. I’ll be sorry not to meet you again. Thank you for telling me about your life and your close call with the Buddha in late 1999. (It was good to tell you my story about my fathers quick journey to the Buddha in early 2000.) I guess you have more work to do in this suffering world helping relieve pain and helping people to help themselves.

Please do take great care of yourself, help your wife sell the fruit and veggi and just a little foot work. As you said it is wise not to do too much each day, help two persons only each day eh?

Better go now. Thank you again for your compassion. I will not forget your.


8 thoughts on “A Letter to Mr. Ng Yaw Koon.”

  1. I feel slightly reluctant to post a comment here, as it seems almost insensisitve to intrude on your lovely letter expressing your gratitude to Mr Ng. I will comment though as I’m not sure whether you’ll pick up late comments on earlier blogs.

    I have just checked in to your travels after a few days off-line. I’m so glad you were able to meet up with Linzy and Rev Chwens (Min-Ting). They are indeed still honoured country-members of the Lancaster group and will always be welcome to come back and visit! I really like the different tones and colours of your blog. Thanks.

    In gassho,


  2. Rev. Mugo.

    Thanks for your words. You’re helping me through a rough patch and I appreciate the generosity in your sharing.


  3. hi rev mugo so sorry youre having problems with your legs, i hope they settle down soon.just caught up again..my what a lot of flitting youre doing..hope you get some chance to rest & recuperate, thankyou for your warmth & wisdom in this blog. i Sat in truro cathedral yesterday amidst much angst and remembered fondly our lunch & chat together, we are with you, ian p

  4. Thanks folks, sorry both Michael (Edmonton?) and Ian (definately NOT Edmonton, right?) Sorry you’re having hard times. Believe me this whole trip is not a ‘walk in the path’ it has prooved to me that just keeping going, no matter what and however hard the road ahead seems, has merit. At least it prooves that, things change in ways you can’t plan for, that there is a larger hand at work in ones life and gratitude is the base line of life. How’s that for some inspiration early in the morning in a hotel lobby, using a wireless hotspot, in Taiping Malaysia. Waiting to get picked up for the next leg of the journey to Penang for temple visiting…and shopping.

  5. That should read ‘Walk in the Park’!

    Thanks also Paul, I will write more about the visit to Dharma Drum Mountain when I have time.

  6. Just a quick note to wish you well on your journey and to thank you for this wonderful website.

  7. What a wealth of information and guidance. It’s just amazing. Thank you. The bank holiday weekend has provided time to read everything. In gassho with best my best wishes.
    Irene M-H

  8. Rev. Mugo,

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey and the Dharma. It is so helpful to read your thoughts & travels. May you be safe & happy.

    In Gassho,

    Eugene Buddhist Priory, OR

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