Living Altar

It’s always pleasing to come across a Buddhist altar in the home setting. This one is on a corner shelf and contains the usual flotsam and jetsam of items picked up and honoured for awhile, and then cleared off to make room for new things.

Altars can become the living expression of practice which is forever evolving and changing, or they can gather dust.

2 thoughts on “Living Altar”

  1. Hi Rev. Mugo

    Just got back yesterday from being at the temple here…it is really a lovely place in the Black Forest and we had SNOW…lovely…took some wonderful pictures! We are so lucky to have the temple here! And talking about altars, while I was there one of my tasks during working meditation was to fix the altar shelf for Rev. Master Jiyu…what a nice thing to do and really what a sense of gratitude coming over me…thinking of what she did and how that continues through all of her discliples…a big GASSHO moment!

    And the link to the altar is great…very beautiful…especially with the importance of light!

    All the best…Jack

  2. I’m sure the Reverend at the temple had a ‘big gassho moment’ to have a willing pair of hands around to put up the shelf. And snow too.

    Perhaps I’ll get over to see the temple this year, or maybe not.

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