If you like fur balls but don’t at the moment have one purring near you – feast your eyes.
No obvious linkage to Buddhism here except that we had two Coon cats at Shasta called Jazz and Pepper. Both now long departed. They were a classic couple who followed their monk keeper along the cloister for their morning and afternoon walks.
I am now back in the monastery. Posting may be a bit patchy for a few days since there is a retreat this week-end.
There will be a post tomorrow from Andrew.
I’ve walked with the cats, talked with the cats. And purred along with at least one of them. They have it ‘made in the shade’ and no mistake.
Mad about them, yes indeed! If “mad” is used in the sense of “besotted.” How could you have possibly known, Reverend Mugo, that one occasional form of relaxation for me is to browse through cooncat images online! These lovely creatures have been called “the dogperson’s cat” (because of their sociable interaction with people) and the “gentle giants.” They are not only intelligent but also humorous; a pair I met (in a restaurant, cool as a cucumber) in Florida were the first therapy cats certified by the Veterans Administration for hospital work. Cat-cooching has been found to help combat vets suffering from post-traumatic stress, just the way it helps the rest of us, and with the cooncats there’s a lot to cooch. If I’m not purring along with one right now, it’s because he’s asleep. Thank you.
As a clarification of previous post, I do realize that I must call the cat nearby a Maine Coon mix; he and the vet who identified his cooncat characteristics are the ones who put me on to these wonderful furpeople.
I do remember knowing Jazz and Pepper for awhile near the end of their lives. They were lovely, and LARGE, very large (stretched out they could cover quite a bit of the cloister walkway). I am happy this evening to think fondly of them again and of all coon cats, and non-coon cats (my two want their dinner NOW!)…