More Talks – Travel Safely

I’m told that there are three more talks to listen to on the Throssel website. They are in a subsection called ‘3 talks from the summer retreat period 2009’. Since the retreat period is due to end tomorrow these will be very recent talks.

Travel safely all of you who are on the road, in the air or however it is you are transporting yourselves. Unfortunately our internet connection is still very slow consequently postings are rather slow in coming too.

2 thoughts on “More Talks – Travel Safely”

  1. I am travelling at the moment and have the unusual luxury of a laptop with an internet connection. It was so lovely to be able to read Jade Mountains and see your thoughts for us, and see the rowan berries. This morning I was walking along the sand dunes next to the Baltic and there were little intense blue bell like flowers (campanula) all over them like little jewels. Now I’m going to see if the internet connection will let me download the talks!

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