No Hiding Place

This image of Hotei interests me. (The picture was taken in a bus stop in Calgary; with a shopping cart behind it, and behind that an old church. Hotei back on the street…in Canada!)

This image speaks of fundamental transparency, our luminous (Buddha) nature. Which cannot be hidden, although most mortals have a good try.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.”
Marianne Williamson

Maitreya (whose name means “Loving One,”)–in the form of Hotei–embodies the spirit of unbounded loving-kindness. A practice that ‘sees’ right through our vain attempts at hiding. By the way, red is often associated with Compassion and Love which makes this photograph all the more relevant.

4 thoughts on “No Hiding Place”

  1. Guess I should have linked to the source of the photo however I was short of time this evening. Thanks to the photographer. Send me the link address and I will do the deed.

  2. Marianne Williamson’s quote is an apt description of what I see in myself in the myriad hestitations that arise to let the Fullness through. Walking shoulder to shoulder with others, however, I see that I am only alone in the hesitations, not in the Fullness.

    In Gassho, Jim

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