Nothing Fixed Anywhere

I’m still thinking about how we (our connective tissue) becomes more fluid the more we move and in so doing ‘makes more variations of movement and action possible’. Nothing fixed anywhere. (Well, that’s according to a ‘new model’ of how our physicality functions referred to below. Enjoy the whole video.

The Infinite Now – The Cinemagraphs of Ray Collins from Ray Collins on Vimeo.

Previously we thought body movement was accomplished by a series of ratchets, levers, and pulleys. Lately, this machine model has begun to break down.
Connective tissue is the ocean within us, and, in fact, contains the same basic proportions of elements, salts, and carbon compounds found in sea water…it becomes more fluid the more it is moved; the more sedentary, the more ‘dried out’ it becomes. We literally moisten ourselves and make more variations of movement and action possible.The water within us seems to have a sort of mind…The new model sees the body water itself shaping us. That is, we do not contain it like a bottle; it holds itself together like ‘standing waves’ and shapes our more solid structures around it.
-Neil Douglas-Klotz

3 thoughts on “Nothing Fixed Anywhere”

  1. Thank you for this post Rev. Mugo – I have been having mobility problems lately and your posting definitely reaffirmed what my chiropractor has been telling me – that movement is the key to becoming healthier in terms of all the aches and pains I have in my back and knee! I love the movie as well!

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